Diocese of Keimoes-Upington

Bisdom van Keimoes-Upington


Patrons: The Immaculate Conception & St. Francis de Sales



Suffragan Diocese of the Province of Bloemfontein - Republic of South Africa

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Welcome to the web page of the Diocese of Keimoes-Upington. I hope that through this means we will have the chance to get to know each other and that one day you will have the chance to come to discover that the desert which comprises most of our diocese has a life of its own.

One of the patrons of the diocese is St. Francis de Sales. The pioneer missionaries in this diocese were devoted to making known St. Francis de Sales' way of living the Gospel. Here are some of his words with which you are welcomed:

"Wandel altyd naby God, want die sagmoedigheid (streling) van sy skadu is meer heilsaam as die helderheid van die son"

"The same life-giving Father who cares for you today, will tomorrow and each day take care of you. He will preserve you in suffering and he will give you his unfailing strength to endure it." Every blessing on you and your family and friends.

+Edward Risi OMI

Bishop Keimoes-Upington





Gerig aan die Volk van God: die Priesters, die God-gewyde Broeders end Susters en die Gelowiges van die Bisdom Keimoes-Upington


"... ons beroem ons hoop om deel te kan hę aan die heerlikheid van God ... Hoop stel nie teleur nie, want God se liefde is in ons harte uitgestort deur die Heilige Gees wat aan ons gegee is" (Rom 5:2, 5)


My liewe broers en susters,

Met die fees van die Doop van die Here vier ons die doop van die Hoof van die liggaam, die Kerk, waaraan ons almal behoort, herbore uit water en die Heilige Gees, aangeneem as seuns en dogters van die Vader deur ons verbondenheid met sy Seun.

Pous Franciskus het 'n Jubeljaar verklaar, wat voorsien van 'n geleentheid om terug te kyk en oorweeg hoe ons, lidmate van die Verrese Liggaam van die Here, in die eerste 25 jaar van die nuwe millennium gevorder het.

Hierdie jaar word in besonders aan ons vernuwing in heiligheid en goedheid gewy. Die Pous nooi ons om hierdie geleentheid as 'Pelgrims van Hoop' te benut, in die gees van die onlangse sinode. Dus die aanhaling hierbo: “Hoop stel nie teleur nie ... want God se liefde is in ons harte uitgestort.”

Hierdie jaar skep vir ons ook ‘n geleentheid om 1700 jaar van die Niceens Geloofsbelydenis te vier, wat ons elke Sondag tydens die Hl. Mis opsę, en wat in die jaar 325 in die Konsilie van Nicea afgekondig is.

Ek nooi elkeen van u om saam hierdie uitnodiging te aanvaar dat ons saam met die universele kerk hierdie jubeljaar vier.

Drie fases

Daar sal drie hoof fases in ons viering as 'n bisdom wees:


·       Bekering en vernuwing

·       Viering van nuwe lewe en versoening

·       Toewyding aan die navolging van Jesus

Eerste fase

In die eerste fase nooi ek u uit om die oproep te aanvaar wat ons verlede jaar by die sinodale dag te Pella gehoor het: die oproep tot versoening: waar gesinne nie met mekaar praat nie, waar ouers en jeug mekaar nie vergewe nie, waar daar verdeeld is as gevolg van politieke, klas- en kulturele botsings, waar die ou wonde en seerkry nog nie heelgemaak is nie; waar jaloesie of ongelukkigheid van die verlede nog nie aangespreek en opgelos is nie; en waar geestelikes en gelowiges mekaar seer gemaak en nog nie mekaar vergewe nie.

Tweede en derde fases

Die tweede fase sal met Paassondag begin en die Paaskers wat in ons parogie kerke sal geseën word, ook die jubel kers sal wees en deur die res van die jaar sal brand as 'n teken van ons versoening in die bloed van die Lam.

Die derde en laaste fase sal met Pinkstersondag begin en sal vir die res van die jubeljaar voortduur.

Ek sal 'n pastorale brief aan u rig by die aanvang van die tweede en derde fases waarin die visie voorgelę sal word waarna ons as bisdom en parogies in die betrokke fase sal streef.

Die viering van die Niceens geloofsbelydenis

As gevolg van die viering van die 1700 jaar van die Niceense Geloofsbelydenis, het ek elke priester gevra om elke maand 'n dag en tyd te reël waarna u uitgenooi word om te luister en deel te neem aan 'n voortdurende vorming oor die GELOOFSBELYDENIS, die hart van ons geloof in Jesus Christus, God se eniggebore Seun, gebore uit die maagd Maria.

Dit is noodsaaklik dat ons die wortels van ons Katolieke geloof en tradisie vernuwe, want as Katolieke beweer ons dat die Kerk leer – nie die Bybel nie – soos so algemeen in ons land voorgehou word. Die Kerk leer en die bronne van hierdie leer word ontdek in die Bybel, in die viering van die liturgie en in die lewende tradisie van die Kerk.

Vernuwing in sakramentele praktyk

As Pelgrims van Hoop word ons geroep om saam die geleenthede te vier wanneer ons as mense op 'n reis bymekaar gebring word, en die belangrikste van hierdie

geleenthede is die viering van die Hl. Eucharistie.

Ek doen dus 'n beroep op u om alles in u vermoë te doen om na die Eucharistiese tafel terug te keer: dit is 'n oproep tot heiligheid en 'n uitnodiging om van die bron van heiligheid te skep, Jesus Christus, wat ons voed met sy eie liggaam en bloed.

Ek het ons priesters gevra om met u verteenwoordigers in die parogie pastorale rade te konsulteer om tye en plekke te vind om die sakrament van versoening meer beskikbaar te stel – soos ons dit in die verlede geken het – en iets wat baie nodig is, as ons die geleenthede van verdeeldheid en hartseer wil oorkom.

In die lig van Pous Franciskus se ensikliek oor die Hart van Jesus, vra ek ook dat ons in hierdie jaar die toewyding van die Heilige Hart hervestig, met die opdra van die Hl. Mis op die Eerste Vrydag elke maand en 'n tyd van aanbidding voor die Heilige Sakrament, bv. voor die Eerste Vrydag Hl. Mis of by 'n ander geleentheid wat groter bywoning aanmoedig.


Dit is my gebed dat die jubeljaar ons die geleentheid sal voorsien om God te dank vir die oorvloed van gawes wat ons in die Heilige Gees ontvang het en dat ons in liefde en waardering vir mekaar mag groei terwyl ons hierdie geloofsreis saam voortsit.

Ek sluit af met pous Franciskus se woorde: ‘Ek is vol vertroue dat almal, veral die lydende en behoeftiges, die nabyheid van Moeder Maria sal beleef, die liefdevolste van moeders, wat nooit haar kinders verlaat nie en wat vir die heilige volk van God "'n teken van sekere hoop en vertroosting" is’.

Gegee te Keimoes, 6 Januarie 2025. Moet op Sondag 12 Januarie, die Fees van die Doop van die Here, aan die gelowiges van die Bisdom voorgelees word.

U Biskop,





To the People of God, the Clergy, Religious and Faithful of the Diocese Keimoes-Upington


“… we boast in our hope of sharing in the glory of God… Hope does not disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us” (Rom 5:2, 5)


My dear Brothers and Sisters,

This year has been dedicated to our renewal in holiness and goodness. Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee year, an opportunity to stop and take stock of our progress in the first 25 years of the new millennium.

The Pope has designated the year with the title of ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ and it is his intention that the recent synod on synodality be a focus of this jubilee year. It is also the occasion of celebrating 1700 years of the Nicene Creed, which we recite every Sunday at Mass, and which was promulgated in the Council of Nices in the year 325.

I invite each of you to heed this invitation and join with the universal church in observing this jubilee year.

Three Phases

There will be three main phases in our celebration as a diocese:

·       Repentance and renewal

·       Celebration of new life and reconciliation

·       Pledging ourselves to living Jesus

First Phase

In the first phase I invite you all to take up the call we heard in the synodal day last year. On that occasion representatives from all our parishes gathered in Pella and answered the question how we can better live our vocation as Catholic Christians so that we truly are Christ’s sacrament in the world.

There was a call to work for reconciliation: where family members are not speaking to one another; where parents and youth are not forgiving one another; where we divisions persist because of political, class and cultural clashes; where old jealousies or hurts of the past have not been resolved; and where clergy and faithful need to address past hurts and forgive one another.

Second and Third Phases

The second phase will begin with Easter Sunday and the easter candle blessed in our parish churches will be decorated so that it serves also as the jubilee candle. It will therefore burn throughout the jubilee year as a sign of our reconciliation in the blood of the Lamb.

The third and final phase will commence with Pentecost Sunday and will continue for the rest of the jubilee year.

I will address a pastoral letter to you at the commencement of the second and third phases in which I will put forward the vision for which we as a diocese can strive in that phase.

Celebrating the Nicene Creed

Because of the celebration of the 1700 year of the Nicene Creed, I have asked each priest to organise a day and time each month to which you are invited to listen to and participate in an ongoing formation on the CREED, the heart of our belief in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, born of the virgin Mary.

It is vital that we renew the roots of our catholic faith and tradition because as Catholics we proclaim that the Church teaches – not the Bible, as is so commonly held in our country. The Church teaches and the sources of this teaching are found in the bible, in the celebration of the liturgy and in the living tradition of the Church.

Renewal in sacramental practice

As Pilgrims of Hope, we are called to celebrate together the very occasions when we are brought together as people on a journey, and the most important of these occasions is the celebration of the Eucharist.

I therefore appeal to you to make every effort to return to the Eucharistic table – this is a call to holiness and an invitation to tap into the source of holiness, Jesus Christ who feeds us with his own body and blood.

I have asked our priests to consult with your representatives in the Parish Pastoral Councils to find times and places to make the sacrament of confession more available – something which we knew in the past – and something which is very necessary if we are to overcome all those occasions of division and hurt which divide us as a community.

In the light of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the Heart of Jesus, I also ask that in this year we re-establish the devotion of the Sacred Heart, with Mass on the First Friday and a time of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, e.g before the First Friday Mass or some other day which encourages greater attendance on our part.


It is my prayer that the jubilee year give us an opportunity to give thanks for the abundance of gifts given us in the Holy Spirit and that we grow in love and appreciation of each other while we pursue this journey of faith together.

I conclude with Pope Francis: ‘I am confident that everyone, especially the suffering and those most in need, will come to know the closeness of Mary, the most affectionate of mothers, who never abandons her children and who, for the holy people of God, is “a sign of certain hope and comfort”’.

Given at Keimoes, 6 January 2025. To be read to the faithful of the diocese on Sunday 12 January, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

Your Bishop,




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